After a 15-year career in finance and banking, an urge to express myself in a different way led me to retrain academically.
I obtained my HND in jewellery in 2008 and my Research MA in 2010, both from the Sir John Cass Department of Art, Media and Design (London Metropolitan University).
I am a member of Dialogue Collective, a group of London-based jewellers and silversmiths. I am also collaborating with La Garantie, a French contemporary jewellery association.
I believe jewellery is the most powerful, yet underrated, means of communicating visually between people. I want my jewellery to arouse interest and intrigue by creating a gap between appearance and reality, thus establishing a unique relationship between the wearer, the viewer and the maker.
I have been using a variety of materials in my work so far in a versatile, deceptive and unexpected way. But at the moment I really enjoy working with silicone rubber.
White is the predominant colour of my work but my latest collections incorporate colours, black and some elements like pearls or beads.
Magnets allow me to create jewellery that plays hide and seek with body and clothes.